Salivary biomarkers related to physiologic stress

Picture of Gonzalo Mariscal

Gonzalo Mariscal

Orthopedic surgery resident physician

Founding partner of Omedics

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Research at the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) has developed a protocol to monitor the stress of elite handball players through a non-invasive test of their saliva.
The research developed by medical student Gonzalo Mariscal was presented at the European College of Sport Science congress in Prague (Czech Republic) and was coordinated by Professor José Enrique de la Rubia, an expert in the study of saliva and physiological stress.
The study analyzes the situation of handball players from the perspective of the influence of gender, position in the team and playing time.
This research, which has counted with the collaboration of clubs of the ASOBAL League and the Guerreras Iberdrola League, has among its objectives the possibility of developing training adapted to this stress and thus avoid overload, injuries and tension.

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